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Title The 44th International Exhibition on Environmental Technology & Green Energy(ENVEX2023)
Period & Venue June 7(Wed) ~ 9(Fri) 2023, Hall A, Coex
Participants 274 companies from 18 countries (Domestic : 204 / Overseas : 70)
Number of Visitors 40,083


1. 国别分析
Name of Country No. of Participating companies Name of Country No. of Participating companies Name of Country No. of Participating companies
274 companies from 18 countries in total
Korea 204 Switzerland 3 England 1
China 31 Norway 2 Taiwan 1
Germany 9 Canada 1 Austria 1
USA 8 France 1 Myanmar 1
Italy 4 New Zealand 1 Australia 1
Japan 3 Spain 1 Ireland 1
2. Purpose of participation
3. Analysis of Exhibited Items

Analysis of Visitors

1. Purpose of Visit
2. Visitors' Interest

Brief Report Download

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